教师姓名: | 高秀华 |
办公地点: | RAL308B |
办公电话: | 024-83690360 |
传 真: | 024-23906472 |
电子邮件: | gaoxh@ral.neu.edu.cn |
职 称: | 教授 |
研究方向: | 加工过程材料组织调控和性能优化 |
通讯地址: | 辽宁省沈阳市和平区 东北大学轧制技术及连轧自动化国家重点实验室 |
邮政编码: | 110819 |
1992.4-1997.12 东北大学金属压力加工系助教、讲师
1998.01-2009.12 东北大学轧制技术及连轧自动化国家重点实验室,讲师、副教授
1) 海洋平台用高锰高强韧中厚板及钛/钢复合板研究与生产技术开发,863计划项目 2) 高强度耐腐蚀石油天然气集输和输送用管线钢生产技术,国家科技支撑计划项目 3) 700MPa级高强度集装箱用耐候钢研发,企业合作项目 4) 高强度耐酸性腐蚀钢板基础技术研究,企业合作项目 5) 提高高铁弹簧钢抗氢脆耐腐蚀能力的研究与应用,企业合作项目 6) 高强耐候钢开发,企业合作项目 7) 铁路车辆用高耐蚀性耐候钢的研发,企业合作项目 8) 海洋软管耐酸金属材料与轧制焊接工艺开发,企业合作项目 9) 热轧耐候型钢关键技术及性能评价研究,企业合作项目 |
1) Impact of reversed austenite on the impact toughness of the high-strength steel of low carbon medium manganese[J]. JOM, 2018, 70(5): 672-679.
2) Intercritical tempering enables nanoscale austenite/ε-martensite formation in low-C medium-Mn steel: A pathway to control mechanical properties[J]. Materials Science & Engineering A, 2018, 736: 417-430.
3) Effect of tempered martensite and ferrite/bainite on corrosion behavior of low alloy steel used for flexible pipe exposed to high-temperature brine environment[J]. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2018, 27: 4911-4920.
4) Corrosion mechanism of low-alloy steel used for flexible pipe in vapor-saturated H2S/CO2 and H2S/CO2-saturated brine conditions[J]. Materials and Corrosion, 2018, 69(9): 1180-1195.
5) Comparison of medium manganese steel and Q345 steel on corrosion behavior in a 3.5 wt % NaCl solution[J]. Materials, 2017, 10(8): 938.
6) Offset effect of chromium on the adverse impact of manganese in a low-C medium-Mn steel with reversed austenite in the neutral salt spray condition[J]. Corrosion, 2017, 73(11): 1367-1380.
7) Comparison of corrosion behaviour of low-alloy pipeline steel exposed to H2S/CO2-saturated brine and vapour-saturated H2S/CO2 environments[J]. Electrochimica Acta, 2017, 232: 528-541.
8) Comparison of corrosion behaviors of low-alloy steel exposed to vapor-saturated H2S/CO2 and H2S/CO2-saturated brine environments[J]. Materials and Corrosion, 2017, 68: 566-579.
9) Comparison of corrosion mechanism of low-alloy pipeline steel used for flexible pipes at vapor-saturated CO2 and CO2-saturated brine conditions[J]. Materials and Corrosion, 2017, 68:1200-1211.
10) Corrosion behaviour of low-alloy pipeline steel exposed to H2S/CO2-saturated saline solution[J]. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2017, 26(3):1010-1017.
11) Relationship between microstructure and hydrogen induced cracking behavior in a low alloy pipeline steel[J]. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2017, 33: 1504-1512.
12) Corrosion behavior of low-C medium-Mn steel in simulated marine immersion and splash zone environment[J]. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2017, 26(6): 2599-2607.
13) Corrosion characteristics of low alloy steel under H2S/CO2 environment: Experimental analysis and theoretical research[J]. Materials Letters, 2017, 209: 459-462.
14) Corrosion behaviour of low-alloy martensite steel exposed to vapour-saturated CO2 and CO2 -saturated brine conditionsElectrochimica Acta ,2016 ,213 :842-855.
15) Development of reduced rolling process for steel plate, Materials Science Forum, 2012, 706-709 : 2101-2106
16) Development of high deformability pipeline steel, Rare Metal Materials and Engineering,2011,40(S3):273-275
17) The calculation of magnetic induction in grain orientated ultra-thin silicon steel sheets, Journal of Materials Science,2007,42(20),8667-8670
18) Magnetic properties of grain oriented ultra-thin silicon steel sheets processed by conventional rolling and cross shear rolling, Materials Science & Engineering A,2006,430:138-141
19) New process of ultra-thin grain oriented silicon steel producing, Rare Metal, 2006,25(S): 454-457
20) Texture characteristics of grain oriented silicon steel sheets produced by cross shear rolling, Journal of Materials Science Technology, 2000,16(2):155-156
1) 一种深海用海洋软管铠装层用钢及其制备方法,中国,ZL201510249014.1
2) 一种取向硅钢极薄带的制造方法,中国,ZL200410021496.7
3) 金属氢渗透性能测定的装置及方法,中国,ZL201010185642.5
4) 一种V-N微合金化Q550级别中厚板及其制备方法,中国,CN201510403905.8
5) 一种低碳中锰高强韧性特厚钢板的制备方法,中国,CN201510353679.7
1) E级高强度造船用钢板的研制与开发,山东冶金科技奖一等奖,2015
2) 本钢2300mm热连轧机组工艺技术集成创新与产品开发,辽宁省科技进步二等奖,2012
3) 高强度船体用系列钢板研制与开发,天津市科学技术进步三等奖,2010
4) PQF三辊式连轧管机组的技术开发及应用研究,冶金科学技术奖一等奖,2007
5) 本钢热轧板带卷取温度新型冷却控制方式研究,辽宁省科学技术进步三等奖, 2007
6) 取向硅钢超薄带磁性能的计算,辽宁省自然科学技术学术论文类三等奖,2009
1) 国家级九五重点教材,《金属塑性加工学-轧制理论与工艺》,北京:冶金工业出版社,2001
2) 21世纪初高等教育教学改革项目《材料成形机械设备电子教材》,电子工业出版社2003,
3) 普通高等教育“十五”国家级规划教材,材料成形工艺学,北京:冶金工业出版社, 2006
4) 冶金职业技能丛书-钢管生产知识问答,冶金工业出版社, 2007
5) 李群 高秀华《钢管生产》,北京:冶金工业出版社,2008
6) 普通高等教育国家级重点教材《金属塑性加工学-轧制理论与工艺》,第3版 ,北京:冶金工业出版社,2012
7) 普通高等教育“十二五”规划教材,材料成型机械设备,北京:冶金工业出版社,2014
8) 现代轧钢学,北京,冶金工业出版社,2014