
发布人:Super User  发布时间:2008-10-03  浏览次数:12110


谢广明  教授/博士生导师























[1] 材料成型及控制工程专业本科生课程《材料成形工艺学》

[2] 材料加工工程专业博士研究生课程《材料物理模拟技术》

[3] 指导博士研究生8人,硕士研究生28人,5人次获博士生国家奖学金,多人次获中信铌钢奖学金、烟台水冷奖学金等。


从事各类先进钢铁材料的焊接、增材以及复合制造等研究。对于汽车领域热成形钢等先进高强钢、军工/工程机械领域超高强中锰钢及马氏体钢、高锰容器钢、不锈钢、模具钢等开展弧焊、激光焊、摩擦焊、激光电弧复合焊研究,开展各类高合金钢的电弧增材制造研究,以及钛合金、镍基合金、超级不锈钢、不锈钢的耐蚀层状复合材料制备研究。2013年入选东北大学高层次人才培养计划曙光学者,2015、2016年获国家钢铁共性技术协同创新中心创新标兵,2019年获东北大学江河奖教金,2020年获辽宁省优秀青年科学基金,2021年获江苏省双创人才,2022年获东北大学荣程祥青奖教金,2022年获江苏省双创团队领军人才,中国金属学会深加工分会委员、中国有色金属学会焊接与连接分会委员。中国冶金杂志编委、塑性工程学报青年编委。主持国家重点研发计划课题、 3项国家自然科学基金、多项企业合作课题等。发表学术论文 60余篇,其中第一或通讯作者发表SCI论文40余篇,SCI 论文它引600余次,专著 2部,授权专利10余项,获冶金科技进步二等奖1项。


[1] 江苏育材堂车身技术公司,超高强热成形钢高效激光拼焊技术研究,2023-2026,主持

[2] 中石化,摩擦焊修复低温容器埋弧焊缝皮下缺陷研究,2023-2025,主持

[3] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于奥氏体层错能调控的搅拌摩擦焊中锰钢焊缝韧塑性机理研究,2023-2026,主持


[5] 辽宁自然科学基金优青项目,高性能钛合金复合钢板的关键制备技术,2020-2023,主持

[6] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,搅拌摩擦焊高强管线钢环缝的复相组织演化与增韧机制研究,2018-2021,主持

[7] 唐山文丰,文丰难焊接特厚复合板生产装备和工艺开发,2017-2021,主持

[8] 南钢,轧制耐蚀不锈钢复合板工艺技术开发研究,2014-2018,主持

[9] 教育部基本科研业务费项目,搅拌摩擦点焊超高强汽车钢的焊接冶金行为研究,2017-2019,主持

[10] 国家自然科学基金青年基金,搅拌摩擦加工细晶镁合金的高应变速率超塑性及其变形机制研究,2011-2013,主持


1.S. Guo, Z.Q. Jin, Y.Q. Liu, F.R. Wang, Y.Q. Wang, Z.X. Li, H.L. Yi, G.M. Xie*, Achieving excellent properties of laser tailor welded thin Al-Si coating press-hardened steel joint via controlling dilution rate, Journal of Manufacturing Processing, 2024, Accepted.

2.田宛平,金志起,谢广明*,热处理对电弧增材制造低碳马氏体不锈钢构件均匀性的影响, 钢铁,59,2024,72-82.

3.Xuefei Chen, Zhiqi Jin, Jiawei Liang, Yuqian Wang, Dapeng Yang, Hongliang Yi*, Guangming Xie*, A comparative study of the galvanized DP980 steel and 2GPa PHS welded joint via laser beam welding and cold metal transfer welding, Materials Letters, 369, 2024, 136726.

4.R.H. Duan, Q.Y. Lv, Y.Q. Wang, S.J. Chen*, Z.D. Yang, G.M. Xie*, Enhancing strength and plasticity in the nugget zone of friction stir welded X100 pipeline steel via back-heating, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 32, 2024, 1725-1735.

5.Y.Q. Wang, J.X. Su, Z.Q. Jin, R.H. Duan, G.M. Xie*, Improved resistance to hydrogen embrittlement in the nugget zone of friction stir welded medium Mn steel via post-welding annealing, Corrosion Science, 227, 2024, 111786.

6.Y.Q. Wang, F.Y. Li, J.X. Su, R.H. Duan, Z.A. Luo, G.M. Xie*, Enhancing strength and ductility in the nugget zone of friction stir welded 7Mn steel via tailoring austenitic stability. Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 185, 2024, 174-185.

7.W.P. Tian, Z.Q. Jin, G.M. Xie*, Wire-arc directed energy deposition super martensitic stainless steel with excellent strength and plasticity, Journal of Manufacturing Processing. 103, 2023, 11-22.

8.F.R. Wang, Y.K. Wang, S.B. Zhu, S. Guo, G.M. Xie*, Effect of interlayer thickness on interfacial evolution and mechanical properties of Ti-6Al-4V/EH690 clad plate by vacuum hot rolling, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 30, 2024, 3948-3959.

9.X.F. Chen, Z.X. Li, D.P. Yang, Y.Q. Wang, H.L. Yi*, G.M. Xie*, Achieving excellent properties of resistance spot welded 2GPa-grade press hardened steel and galvanized DP980 steel via double-pulse, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 28, 2024, 4475-4487.

10.X.F. Chen, J.W. Liang*, D.P. Yang, Z.P. Hu, X. Xu, X.L. Gu, G.M. Xie*, Effect of chromium on microstructure and mechanical properties of hot-dip galvanized dual-phase (DP980) steel, Crystals, 13, 2023, 1287.

11.G.M. Xie*, R.H. Duan, Y.Q. Wang, Z.A. Luo, G.D. Wang. Microstructure and toughness of thick-gauge pipeline steel joint via double-sided friction stir welding combined with preheating. International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, 2023, 30: 724-733.

12.F.R. Wang, S. Guo, Y.Q. Wang, S.B. Zhu, G.M. Xie*, Effect of Nb interlayer on microstructure and property of Ti-6Al-4V/690MPa grade steel clad plate by vacuum rolling, Materials Science and Engineering A, 17, 2023, 14450.

13.S. Guo, F.R. Wang, Y.Q. Wang, G.M. Xie*, Microstructural evolution and properties of Ti/Al clad plate fabricated by vacuum rolling and heat treatment, Materials Science and Engineering A, 15, 2023, 145445.

14.Y.Q. Wang, Y.X. Ding, R.H. Duan, Z.A. Luo, G.M. Xie*, The formation mechanism of austenite in the ultrahigh strength-toughness medium-Mn steel via friction stir welding, Materials Characterization, 203, 2023, 113104.

15.Y.Q. Wang, S. Guo, R.H. Duan, J.X. Su, G.M. Xie*, Achievement of high strength and plasticity product of the nugget zone in friction stir welded high-Mn steel via controlling stacking fault energy, Materials Science and Engineering A, 862, 2023, 144427.

16.R.H. Duan, Y.Q. Wang, G.D. Wang, G.M. Xie*. Hydrogen embrittlement behavior in the nugget zone of friction stir welded X100 pipeline steel, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2022, 180: 111392.

17.G.Q. Wang, Y.Q. Wang, R.H. Duan, G.M. Xie*, Enhancements in the bonding properties of a friction stir lap welded interstitial free steel and Al alloy by introducing a Ni Interlayer, Metals, 11, 2021, 1782.

18.Y.Q. Wang, R.H. Duan, J. Hu, Z.A. Luo, Z.Y. Ma, G.M. Xie*. Improvement in toughness and ductility of friction stir welded medium-Mn steel joint via post-welding annealing. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2022, 306: 117621.

19.R.H. Duan, Y.Q. Wang, Z.A. Luo, G.D. Wang, G.M. Xie*. Achievement of excellent strength and plasticity in the nugget zone of friction stir welded bainitic steel and its deformation behavior. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2022, 20: 3381-3390.

20.G.M. Xie*, R.H. Duan, Y.Q. Wang, Z.A. Luo, C. Wang, G.D. Wang. Crystallography of the nugget zone of bainitic steel by friction stir welding in various cooling mediums. Materials Characterization, 2021, 182: 111523.

21.R.H. Duan, G.M. Xie*, P. Xue, Z.Y. Ma, Z.A. Luo, C. Wang, R.D.K. Misra, G.D. Wang. Microstructural refinement mechanism and its effect on toughness in the nugget zone of high-strength pipeline steel by friction stir welding. Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 2021, 93: 211-231.

22.R.H. Duan, G.M. Xie*, Z.A. Luo, P. Xue, C. Wang, R.D.K. Misra, G.D. Wang, Microstructure, Crystallography, and Toughness in Nugget Zone of Friction Stir Welded High-Strength Pipeline Steel, Materials Science and Engineering A 791(2020)13962.

23.G.M. Xie*, R.H. Duan, P. Xue, Z.Y. Ma, H.L. Liu, Z.A. Luo, Microstructure and mechanical properties of X80 pipeline steel joints by friction stir welding under various cooling conditions, Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters) 33, 2020, 88-102.

24.G.M. Xie*, Z.Y. Ma, P. Xue, Z.A. Luo, G.D. Wang, Effects of tool rotation rates on superplastic deformation behavior of friction stir processed Mg-Zn-Y-Zr alloy, Acta Metallurgica Sinica 54, 2018, 1745-1755.

25.G.M. Xie*, H.B. Cui, Z.A. Luo, R.D.K. Misra, G.D. Wang, Asymmetric distribution of microstructure and impact toughness in stir zone during friction stir processed a high strength pipeline steel, Materials Science and Engineering A, 704 (2017) 401-411.

26.G.M. Xie*, H.B. Cui, Z.A. Luo, R.D.K. Misra, G.D. Wang, Microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of the stir zone during friction stir processing a lean duplex stainless steel, Materials Science and Engineering A, 704, 2017, 311-321.

27.H.B. Cui, G.M. Xie*, Z.A. Luo, J. Ma, G.D. Wang, R.D.K. Misra, Microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of the stir zone in friction stir processed AISI201 stainless steel, Materials and Design, 106, 2016, 463-475.

28.H.B. Cui, G.M. Xie*, Z.A. Luo, J. Ma, G.D. Wang, R.D.K. Misra, Microstructural evolution and impact toughness of nugget zone in friction stir welded X100 pipeline steel, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 681, 2016, 426-433.

29.G.M. Xie*, H.B. Cui, Z.A. Luo, W. Yu, J. Ma, G.D. Wang, Effect of rotation rate on Microstructural characteristic and mechanical properties of friction stir spot welded DP780 steel, Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 32, 2016, 326-332.

30.Z.A. Luo, G.M. Xie*, Z.Y. Ma, G.L. Wang, G.D. Wang, effect of yttrium addition on microstructural characteristics and superplastic behavior of friction stir processed ZK60 alloy, Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 29, 2013, 1116-1122.

31.G.M. Xie*, Z.Y. Ma, Z.A. Luo, P. Xue, G.D. Wang, Effect of rotation rate on microstructures and mechanical properties of FSW Mg-Zn-Y-Zr alloy joints, Journla of Materials Science and Technology, 27, 2011, 1157-1164.

32.G.M. Xie*, Z.A. Luo, Z.Y. Ma, P. Xue, G.D. Wang, Superplastic behavior of friction stir processed ZK60 magnesium alloy, Materials Transactions 52, 2011, 2278-2281.

33.G.M. Xie*, Z.A. Luo, G.L. Wang, L. Li, G.D. Wang,Interface characteristic and properties of stainless steel/HSLA steel clad plate by vacuum rolling cladding, Materials Transactions 52, 2011, 1709-1712.

34.G.M. Xie, Z.Y. Ma, L. Geng, Effect of Y addition microstructure and mechanical properties of friction stir welded ZK60 alloy, Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 25, 2009, 351-355.

35.G.M. Xie, Z.Y. Ma, L. Geng, Effects of friction stir welding parameters on microstructures and mechanical properties of brass joints, Materials Transactions, 49, 2008, 1698-1701.

36.G.M. Xie, Z.Y. Ma, L. Geng, Partial recrystallization in the nugget zone of friction stir welded dual-phase Cu-Zn alloy, Philosophical Magazine 89, 18, 2009, 1505-1516.

37.G.M. Xie, Z.Y. Ma, L. Geng, R.S. Chen, Microstructural evolution and enhanced super-plasticity in friction stir processed Mg-Zn-Y-Zr alloy, Journal of Materials Research 23, 5, 2008, 1207-1213.

38.G.M. Xie, Z.Y. Ma, L. Geng, Effects of friction stir welding parameters on microstructures and mechanical properties of ZK60 magnesium alloy joints, Acta Metallurgica Sinica, 44, 2008, 665-670.

39.G.M. Xie, Z.Y. Ma, L. Geng, Microstructural evolution on mechanical properties of friction stir welded ZK60 alloy, Materials Science and Engineering A 486, 2008, 49-55.

40.G.M. Xie, Z.Y. Ma, L. Geng, R.S. Chen, Microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of friction stir welded Mg-Zn-Y-Zr alloy, Materials Science and Engineering A 471, 2007, 63-68.

41.G.M. Xie, Z.Y. Ma, L. Geng, Development of fine-grained microstructure and properties of nugget zone in friction stir welded pure copper, Scripta Materialia 57, 2007, 73-76.